Friday, January 12, 2007


Auroville is still going wonderfully. As I settle in, I appreciate the lifestyle more and more, though it is not without its problems. Today I spent the morning doing my a hammock...with the sun warming my feet...and cows mooing in the background. Now I'm going to the beach, then Pondicherry for dinner. Jealous yet?

Last night, the American Pavilion (where half of our group is staying) hosted a professional storyteller and hot cocoa night. After eating dinner at Solitude farm (the place where I work--it was incredible to be eating organic salads and grains that you have harvested yourself), we came back here and sat around a bonfire while drinking THE STRANGEST hot cocoa ever and listening to...interesting "Native American" stories. No wonder some Tamils have a strange conception of the US.

Our group has started a collective journal. Each day a new person will write the day's events (my turn is in about ten days). So in other words, it's this blog times 1,000 in reliability (but minus 500 in coolness). The address is

Also, my address here has finally been revealed!

Sarah Ellison
Tibetan Pavilion
Auroville, Tamil Nadu
605 101 INDIA

Any shipments of chocolate (mom, that Hershey's espresso dark chocolate was AMAZING) or anti-itch cream are appreciated.

No pictures yet, but hopefully soon (I know, I keep saying that).


Unknown said...

Meow. Sarah, I came all the way over here to tell you to get a Skype account because I just registered for a Skype account SOLEY to talk to YOU (name the time and I will wake up whenever it is to talk to you. for serious shizzle). Hokay? And because I'm a dweebus and never recharge the cellphone (some things never change!). AND I just read that Dad told you to get Skype too, so get it or I'll come to Auroville and put a cow in the road in front of your fixie ({-- SF name for single speed bikes; they are stylin' here so you're way supa' fly sista'!).

SO. yeah, I miss you. I had a slightly small episode right after Christmas of momentary depression when I realized I couldn't call you up whenever I want!!!!! HOLY MOLY! Then I realized you are having the adventure of a lifetime, and I am super proud of you. Then I couldn't fall asleep because I was so excited for you, so I drove into the city at 3:30 in the morning just to share how cool I think you are.

I have a job. wee. And four more in the workup. haha. Classes start tomorrow. GRE in the morning. life life life! If the monkey shit hits the ceiling, I'm coming to Auroville and you're cooking me comfort food. =D


Unknown said...

P.S. A FRIEND OF A FRIEND THAT YOU KNOW would like to give you info about a sustainable tree-fort community in Laos. Interested? Could you travel there?

Devon said...

I use Skype too, although currently the mic seems to be problematic.

So what was up with the cocoa? I heard that the Incas used to have some really foul stuff that was sort of like coffee made from cocoa beans, and it sounded horrible.

laura christine said...

sarah, you're awesome and i love you and miss you so much.

your future potential roommate laura

Sarah said...

All: Skype is apparantly not going to work...sorry for all the hulabaloo for nothing. At least calls are cheap(er than expected).

Rachel: My bike is definitely, definitely, not cool for SF standards. And I probably can't travel to Laos, though that would be awesome. I do, however, want to call you ASAP! Which could mean weeks, at the rate the lines for the phone go...

Laura: I MISS YOU TOO! I would be devastated if you can't move in.