Sunday, January 7, 2007

The Longest Week of my Life (And In Such a Good Way)

I realized today that it had been barely 10 days since I left home (one of which was lost when I crossed the date line). That's funny, since I would've guessed about a month. What with touring Bangkok, forming relationships with 16 new people, cycling around Auroville and touring a dozen potential service learning sites, getting adjusted to the heat and humidity, having a sinus infection... well, it's been a long ten days.

Honestly, at first I wasn't too thrilled with Auroville. Mostly these were personal considerations (and mostly that was my rooming situation), but more and more I am coming to love it. For instance, the zillions of unidentified bug bites (a bee or something stung me on the neck about an hour ago and it still hurts like a beast) are mitigated by the ability to study in the warm afternoon sun, listening to the sound of pop Indian music played from a nearby village. And, the lack of toilet paper pales in comparison to the chance to make coriander-peanut chutney with a mortar and pestle and yell cows out of the bike paths. At this point, I am enjoying my time here more and more with each passing moment. It reminds me of New Salem in many aspects.

I believe that I will be much healthier when I get home, both emotionally and physically. We eat three DELICIOUS meals a day, mostly organic and mostly vegan, and drink spirulina and other tasty beverages (that fermented mushroom kind you can get in the states, only fresh). Last night I had fresh lime soda (sort of like a margharita--fresh lime squeezed into a glass with soda water poured over it and salt) and I'm pretty sure it cured my sinus infection. Also, we bike at least an hour a day, and as the cycles are all one-speed, this is no cruise. I'm definitely sweating, puffing, and sometimes groaning by the time we get back home. At least I'll have nice muscly legs to show off for all my efforts.

I've also decided on my service learning for the time I'll be here. For three days a week I'll be working at Solitude, a completely organic farm that focuses on producing all the various ingredients for a restaurant that I'll also cook for. The other two days, I'll be working at KOFPU--Kottakarai (?) Organic Food Processing Unit. While there, I'll not only be learning how to make delicious everything (we ate lunch there once and it was incredible...), but also gathering Anandi's recipes into a cookbook to sell in the states, proceeds benefiting KOFPU. Sounds like a good time.

There's much more to say, but I'll keep everybody in suspense and save it for a later post. Believe it or not, I have a lot of homework to get to...

PS Pictures hopefully are coming soon...hopefully...


Jan (Sarah's mom) said...

Whoa, you posted at 3:26 am! I hope that was Spokane time and not India time, or you have a very bad case of jet lag!
Now I'm remembering when Rachel came home from Greece covered with bug bites. Which of you will come home with more?
Do I need to send some toilet paper, along with "After Bite"? Is the toilet a little hole in the floor, or is it more Western style? We had both in Ganeshpuri.

Gyo said...

Okay, I'll try this again... (This website deleted my first attempt at this comment.)

Great going Sarah! I'm glad to hear you are adjusting to the privations and enjoying the new experience of Auroville. It sounds like you are going to return a vegan gourmet with all the organic gardening, food prep. and cow yelling skills! I don't know about the mushroom and margarita drinks (what do they think you are, a college student or something?!!).

Anyway, sorry I wasn't here when you called. Hope to hear your voice again soon (get that Skype accout!!).

Love Dad.