Saturday, January 27, 2007


I promised I would write about our awesome trip to Tiruvannamali, but I really don't have time. Let's just give a brief rundown:

a) We stayed in THE NICEST (by Western standards) hotel, with...A SWIMMING POOL!
b) We visited the Sri Ramana Maharshi ashram to participate in chanting and peacock-watching
c) I had the most intense experience of my life as we discussed matters of the heart with a Brahmin (priest/guru) who took us through a Hindu puja ceremony in the temple of Shiva...hopefully more on that later
d) We woke up at 4 in the morning to climb Mt. Arunachala, the body of Shiva, in bare feet and headlamps
e) On the way back, we visited Gingee, some ancient fortifications atop jumbles of boulders--one of the most beautiful things I've seen here.

This is unsatisfactory, but will have to do.

Last week, we moved from the Tibetan Pavilion to Verite community, in order to experience the communal aspect of living in Auroville. I am now staying in a capsule--a keet hut raised on pillars, made solely of bamboo and palm fronds. I'm thoroughly enjoying this, as it's like camping only cooler. My own personal tree fort...

Things are still incredibly busy here, far moreso than I had expected. And to think, I had been anticipating a nice, relaxing trip to India, maybe a little tanning, maybe some lemonade... how lucky am I to not have my expectations met!

1 comment:

Jan (Sarah's mom) said...

I have lots of questions about your trip up the mountain, but the most important one is this: WHY BARE FEET? Did you have to wear only a loin cloth, too?
It sounds like you're having an unspeakably awesome experience there. I can't wait until you come home and I can hear about it in person. We miss you bunches!